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welcome to the bookmarklet garden! this is where i keep all the bookmarklets i make :)

(a bookmarklet is a small javascript program that lives in a browser bookmark. to install, just bookmark the link containing the program - either by dragging it into your bookmark bar, or right-clicking and saving the link. to run the program, just click the bookmark!)


a word guessing game where the net is your dictionary

visit any webpage (ones with a decent amount of text work best), then open the bookmarklet to begin. the game chooses a random five-letter word from the page, and you have six chances to guess it!

(the word stays the same if you play on the same page and the same day as someone else, allowing for friendly competition if you want that)

button randomizer

visit random 88x31 website buttons

when you visit a button wall, run this bookmarklet! it will find all the 88x31 buttons on the page, pick a random one, and give you the option of visiting that website. nice! (^_^)b

(a game: pick a button wall and run the randomizer, then run it again at the next website you land on, and again, etc. how far can you go before you end up on a page with no buttons?)