hey there! i hope everyone reading this is hanging in there as we trudge toward the end of the year (and, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, that you’re keeping warm with the hot drink of your choice)

it’s been a minute since i last updated the blog - life kind of snuck up on me

anyways, here’s what i’ve been up to lately!



i had some time to read during the week of thanksgiving, so i made a (small) dent in my shamefully large book pile. the books i finished reading were:

tbh i don't have much to say about them except they were all bangers! none of them are very long either so they’re good choices if you’re looking for a short read <3

(i also have to confess that i immediately undid some of that hard-won progress decreasing the strain on my night table by picking up a copy of Kelly Link’s short story collection “White Cat, Black Dog”. only one story in but I’m enjoying it a lot so far.)

i've also been reading some blog posts on my kindle (as one does). or actually, rereading some i felt a need to return to. these two posts (part of a series) by leeroy lewin of vextro in particular still felt resonant. i'll leave you with this pair of very good passages:

here's something from Imagining Decentralized Videogame Culture: Easy Game Development:

It’s okay to just make things. Make things for your friends, or for a close collaborator. Make things for yourself. It’s a fast way to feel better! More than that, or how “feeling better” is accomplished, is by feeling connected to a history of culture, community, and practice.

and this from Imagining Decentralized Videogame Culture: Unprofessional Game Criticism:

Rather than organizing around fame, success, and power, a decentralized videogame culture views game making as something people do, as inconsequential (or conversely consequential) as someone filming their cooking process, or someone writing sad poetry for no one else in a notepad app. An embrace of mundane game making.

well that's all i've got right now - until next time! <3

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