
here are some websites i think are neat <3

button wall

button: badger trebuchet diagram no. 17 Brianna Townsend Button with an image of a CD-ROM and the text CD-ROM Journal 88x31 button Fungus Zone meltknuckles Mx. Ashlynn — ♥gay games♥ Orchidrabbit's Clown Town Midnight Reading: Renkon's Personal Site a button that says this is an anti-NFT site a 88x31 sized button with the word "surasshu" and a tracker scrolling behind it

blog roll

100R / Beyond Loom / brlka's blog / Critical Distance / Eoan Wave II / Everest's RSS Log / Fabien Sanglard / Far Away Times / follypersist / Hotel Paintings / Into the Spine / Laura Michet's Blog / lori emerson / Marinazone / Melodic Ambient 2 / Morning Music / my friend pokey / No Escape / Storming the Ivory Tower / Unwinnable / v21

want to link to my site? add a button!

adam le doux dot net adam le doux dot net adam le doux dot net
button HTML snippets

dark button

light button

bitsy button